Tuesday 13 October 2015

How to use Popplet: Activity

Level: 6th grade
Age: 11 and 12 years old
Topic: Geography/Biology – Animals and their continents of origin

You will have to prepare an oral presentation through the use of popplet (http://popplet.com).

After having discussed the main geographical characteristics of each continent, you will have to search for at least 10 animals that live on those continents. You will work in groups of 3/4. Remember to include the main characteristics of those animals: where they live, what they eat, if they emigrate or not, etc. You should include images and at least one video.  As popplet is a collaborative network, you will exchange your work with another pair who will add further information. Remember to include the sources of your information at the end of the presentation.

What next
Be ready to present your work and explain what you have done and the information you have included.

Evaluation criteria.
  •   Appropriate use of the tool.
  •   Appropriate use of English and vocabulary.
  •   The use of images and videos.
  •   Accurate use of information.

If you have any doubt as regards the tool, go back to the tutorial by clicking on this link: How to use Popplet: Theory and Tutorial

How to use Popplet: Theory and Tutorial


A popplet is a bubble that is filled with information and images and that is connected with other popplet in order to organize all the information.
Popplet can be perfectly used for learning. Used as a mind-map, Popplet helps students think and learn visually. Students can capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them. Students can do a collaborative brainstorming.

 Peachey, N. (n.d.). Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. Retrieved October 13, 2015. 


1. First of all, you need to create an account. If your account is free, you can only create up to 5 popplets. After that, you can start a new project.

2.Click and drag to resize the popplet. You can move the whole popplet board.

3. Name your popplet. You can change its colour if you want.

4.Double-click to create a new popplet. Type in the popplet. You may change the popplet’s colour and draw or add an image in it. You can also add videos.

5.Click on “Make new popplet.”

To have a look at a sample activity, click on this link:Popplet sample

Click here to try out an activity using this tool: How to use Popplet: Activity

How to use Puzzlemaker: Activity

Level: 7th grade
Age: 12 and 13 years old
Topic: Vocabulary – Physical appearance

After discussing about vocabulary related to physical appearance, you will be assigned a topic (hairstyle, height, complexion, eyes, etc) to work on http://www.discoveryeducation.com//free-puzzlemaker/index.cfm?campaign=flyout_teachers_puzzle.

In groups of four, create a puzzle (crossword, word search, double-puzzle, etc) using between 8-12 vocabulary-assigned words.
Then, go to “Paint” in order to modify your activity: instead of having the words as reference, you should include images; in this way, the activity will be more challenging.

What next
The activities will be printed out and handed out to your classmates.
Evaluation criteria.
  •   Appropriate use of the tool.
  •   Correct spelling of the words.
  •   The use of images.

If you have any doubt. you can go back to the tutorial: How to use Puzzlemaker: Activity

How to use Puzzlemaker: Theory and Tutorial


Puzzle maker is a puzzle tool in which you can create and print customized word search, criss-cross, math puzzles, among other tools. There is no need to create an account; it is free of charge and a very simple tool to use.

Puzzles are great for kids because they train their brain to problem solve. Puzzles and puzzle games help reinforce logic, critical thinking, visualization, creativity and fine motor skills. Furthermore, they have fun and enjoy a great activity.

Thomas, M. (2009). CHAPTER 10: THE PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF WEB 2.0. In Handbook of research on Web 2.0 and second language learning. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. 


1. Go to the Discovery Education site by clicking on http://www.discoveryeducation.com/. 
Click on “Teachers” and then select the “puzzle maker” option. You may choose many types of puzzles.

2. Let’s try the “Word Search” option. You will have to follow some steps. First, you have to write a title.

3. Then, you have to select the size of the letters that your puzzle will have

4. Next, you have to choose whether the letters of your words will be shared or not

5. Then, choose the type of output that your puzzle will have.

6. After that, write the words you want to include in the puzzle. Remember to separate the words with commas, spaces or write them in different lines.

7. Click on “Create” and you will have your puzzle done. You can click on “solution” to see the answers and you can also print the page if you want.

If you want to have a look at a sample activity click here:

To try out this tool click here: How to use Puzzlemaker: Activity

How to use Penzu: Activity

Level: 7th grade
Age: 12 and 13 years old
Topic: Biology – Healthy Food

After discussing about the healthy eating pyramid, go to https://penzu.com/journals.

Individually, create a journal where you keep record of the food you eat for a week. This step must be done thoroughly: write about you eat that food and how feel when eating it. You have to include at least two images.

What next
After that week, a survey will be conducted to see what kind of food you eat and how your eating habits can be improved, if needed.

If you have any doubt as regards the web tool, you can go back to the tutorial: How to use Penzu: Theory and Tutorial

Evaluation criteria
  • Both the progress and the product will be evaluated
  • Reflect on eating habits.
  • Development of writing and thinking skills.
  • Appropriate use of vocabulary and use of English.

How to use Penzu: Theory and Tutorial


Penzu is a web 2.0 that allows the creation of a journal or diary online.
A journal is a record that can be used to detail everything from your feelings about a particular situation in your social life to your thoughts on a current event in the political world. You can create a daily journal, an expressive one or a travel one, among others.
Penzu is ideal for students to have electronic portfolios. An e-portfolio is a digital collection of a person's pieces of writing. It can be easily edited and shared with the world or just with the teacher or classmates.
With Penzu, you can even attach pictures right next to your writings.

 Peachey, N. (n.d.). Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. Retrieved October 13, 2015. 


1. Sign in to create your account.

2. Edit the title of your journal or diary. Choose the colour you want for it.

3. Start writing wherever you want. You can add links and images.

4. Go to "entries" to see all the list of entries you have opened. To go to your list of entries click on the red arrow on this picture. From there, you can select the entry you want to modify and use the tools above the list to open, erase, rename, print them among other functions.

Click here to have a look at sample activity: Penzu sample

To have a look at an activity to try Penzu out click here: How to use Penzu: Activity

How to use Padlet: Activity

Here is an activity so that you can try Padlet and see how it works:

Level: 6th grade
Age: 11 and 12 years old
Topic: Biology – The Process of Photosynthesis

After discussing about the process of photosynthesis, go to https://es.padlet.com/auth/login.

In pairs, create a wall that includes information about the photosynthesis and its steps. You should write about: definition of photosynthesis, why that process is necessary for plants and the steps involved. You have to include images and you may include a video. . Remember to write the sources at the end of your work. Once you finish your wall, you have to send it to my email account.

What next
After I check it, you will be ready to discuss your wall with the rest of the class.

If you have any doubt as regards the web tool, you can go back to the tutorial: How to use Padlet: Theory and Tutorial

Evaluation criteria
  • Appropriate use of the web tool.
  • Appropriate and correct use of vocabulary and use of English
  • Appropriate selection of material and images.
  • Addition oral presentation of the wall.

How to use Padlet: Theory and Tutorial


Padlet is an Internet application that allows people to express their thoughts on a common topic easily. It works like an online sheet of paper where people can put any content (e.g. images, videos, documents, text) anywhere on the page from any device. You can use Padlet for:
  • Personal note taking
  • To-do lists
  • Party Invitations
  • Feedback
  • Collection
  •  Wishing people on occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries
  •  Anything that might need input from a lot of people, eg. a Mac Vs PC wall (that'll be a war, not a wall actually).
  • To brainstorm ideas from a class
  • To collate research on a topic
  • To share information to an audience

Padlet. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2015, from http://ctreichler.wikispaces.com/Padlet

1.   1.   Go to https://es.padlet.com/ and click on “Entrar o Registrarse”

2. Complete the chart with your email address and a password. Click on “Registrarse”

3. Complete the chart with your name and a user name. Then click on “Guardar y continuar”

4. Click on “create new Padlet” or “Nuevo Padlet”

5. Go to the tools that are on the right and click on “Modificar este muro”. There you can complete the chart with the title of the wall and write a description about it. You can also choose an image as a portrait.

6. Double click on the wall to write something. If you want to add a picture, image or video, you can upload it or take a photo with your webcam.

7. If you want to continue writing or adding more sections to the wall, double click on the place of the wall where you want to write. If you want to add another image or video, repeat step 6.
You can change the layout by clicking on “Modify the wall” and the clicking on “Layout”. You can choose between a “Freeform”, “Stream” or “Grid”

8. You can click on “Share/Export” and click on the option you want in order to share the wall, send it by email or print it.

To have a look at an activity using Padlet click here: Padlet Activity

Here you have a sample activity: Sample Padlet Activity

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Why using Blogger to learn English?

Hello there!

The purpose of this blog is to help you practice your English in new and innovative ways.You will be able to practice all your skills in a different manner. Besides, you can share your experiences and help other learners.

A BLOG is an online diary that consist of a website to which authors (bloggers) contribute written postings, which can include pictures, audio, videos. They are arranged in chronological orders and automatically archived so that the blog can be searched for earlier entries that those displayed.

BLOGS can be divided in different categories according to the content and intended audience:
  •  Diary: a single author who muses his life experiences.
  • Special interest blog: whatever the topic, there will be sb blogging on it and linking to other people writing and blogging about it.
  • News blog: recycle stories reported on the web.
  • Technical blog: operated by people in the IT community and used to comment on ideas and developments.
  • Political blogs: multiple authors and act as a forum for debates and discussions.
  • Business blog: maintained by companies as part of their marketing strategy to provide customer information.

Hope you find it useful!

Reference list

Sharma, P., & Barrett, B. (2007). CHAPTER 2: THE WEB: USING AUTHENTIC MATERIALS. In Blended learning: Using technology in and beyond the language classroom. Oxford: Macmillan.

Sharma, P., & Barrett, B. (2007). CHAPTER 9: CREATING AND USING YOUR OWN RESOURCES. In Blended learning: Using technology in and beyond the language classroom. Oxford: Macmillan.